Lee’s Summit North Senior Session | Drew

For most of his life, I’ve watched Drew grow up through pictures his mom shared on social media. But, I remember all four times I’ve seen Drew in person.

The first was when his mom brought him in a baby carrier to preschool. His mom was the lead preschool teacher at Thomas Hart Benton Elementary, and I was her helper. She had gone on maternity leave and the kids and I just GUSHED over little baby Drew when she brought him to visit us.

The second was a few years later, when we met up for lunch. His mom and I had both moved on to other endeavors, but we promised we’d keep in touch. We know how that goes though, the intentions are good, but life gets busy and time marches on…

I didn’t see Drew again until 4 years ago, when the family came out to one of my Fall Mini Session events. I was so insanely excited to see them all again, and I couldn’t believe Drew was a teenager and it had been so long since I’d seen them!

Fast forward to last week, and I saw Drew again for the 4th time, when we met up for his senior photoshoot in downtown Parkville. If I was surprised the last time I saw him at how much he had grown, then this time I was SHOCKED! Drew looked like a grown man! It just doesn’t seem possible that Drew went from that little baby in the carrier to this handsome young man in such a blink of an eye!

Drew has such a fun personality. He is quick-witted and could definitely match my sarcasm. He was a great sport and went along with all of my prompts. He was so sweet to his momma, too, and that ALWAYS warms my heart.

Here are a few of my favorite photos. Thank you, Karen, for choosing me to capture these memories. Not only do I get to take pictures, but I get to catch up with you as well!


Fall Mini | Megan + Genna


Eventful at Locust Grove Wedding | Justin + Adrian