Weston Bend State Park Engagement Session | Justin + Victoria

I had the best time yesterday during Justin and Victoria’s Engagement session at Weston Bend State Park.

We were a little thrown off at first, because when we arrived, the gorgeous old tobacco barn had been completely resurfaced. All of that glorious old barn wood was gone, and replaced with shiny new (orange) lumber. Someday it will age again beautifully, but yesterday was not that day. Bummer.

Luckily, Justin and Victoria are a super laid back and easy going couple and were willing to “pivot”. (Yes, I confirmed that they knew the Friends reference.)

We drove a little farther into the park and found this tall field grass which just so happened to have the sun glowing on it just right.

Couple holds hands and laughs during their golden hour engagement session at Weston Bend State Park.

It was so much fun getting to know these two, and I cannot wait for their wedding at Laurel Brooke Farm in a few months! Laurel Brooke Farm is one of my Preferred Venues - which means these two lucky ducks got $500 off their wedding photography!

Keep scrolling for some of my favorite shots from their session, and to learn more about them!

Justin and Victoria snuggle in close surrounded by tall field grass during the engagement shoot.

Victoria, how did you meet? We met at work, where we became best friends, essentially hanging out every day. I am oblivious and it took me an entire year to figure out that he liked me. It took one of our friends calling us out for us to realize we both liked each other. And the rest is history!

Justin, how did you propose? On the night of the proposal, I asked Victoria to pick up a few things from the grocery store on her way home from work so that I could get everything ready and have an idea of when she would be home. I didn’t plan on her spending an extra hour there doing general grocery shopping! It worked out and gave me time to make sure everything was perfect. I placed flowers and letters spelling out “Will You” leading from the garage to the bedroom, where I planned to be on one knee. When she arrived home, I had to keep myself from responding as she began to work her way toward me. Of course, it wouldn’t be “us” if she didn’t accidentally open the wrong bedroom door, but finally she opened the right door and was already crying.

Victoria, what do you love most about Justin? I love that, despite being a very level-headed individual, Justin will always be a goof with me. I love that he enjoys staying home and relaxing just like I do. He works so hard and yet still gives us (the dogs and I) all of his free time on his two days off.

Justin, what do you love most about Victoria? I love that Victoria always knows how to make people smile. she is a giant dork but it brings me so much joy and it is always a great time watching her get excited about the smallest things.

What are you most looking forward to on your wedding day? The toasts. And driving home to our dogs as husband and wife.

What are your hopes and dreams for your future together? Our biggest dream is to settle into a comfortable life with 2-3 kids, to see Victoria successfully take her baking business into a storefront and for Justin to get his dream job.


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