Weston Bend State Park Session | The Cecil Family

When you’re just one teeny tiny little photography business in a sea of what feels like thousands, like I am, every “ding” in the inbox gives you a jolt of joy.

That is exactly what I felt when I got Alyson’s inquiry email. It made me even happier when she said that she found me on Google. Ya’ll it’s HARD to show up in Google rankings, and requires a lot of back-end SEO work that I try really hard at, but have very little training in. But she found me! (And you must have too, since you’re reading this blog). So, I must be doing something right!

Then Alyson told me she wanted family photos for her son’s first birthday. So I had my second jolt of joy - because this age is my FAVORITE to photograph. Big enough to sit up on their own, smile for the camera and interact with me, but small enough that they can’t run away very fast!

The joy continued on when I arrived at their session and saw that Alyson had followed my Style Guide, and the lighting was perfect. The whole session was truly a dream.

And the last little jolt of joy came after the session when I got the notification that I had a new 5 star review! Thank you so much Alyson, for such a wonderful experience. Here are some of my favorite photos from the day. I hope you love them as much as I do!


Watkins Mill State Park Couples Session | Cory + Sarah


Weston Maternity Session • The Walkers